Feb 23, 2014

Website Hiatus News!

NOTE: As of October 2014 the site is up and running again, but most of the following projects are still running in our community, like the Minto-Brown photo group, the Salem Event Calendar and we still work with Eat Salem, among other projects. We love Salem, and we love photographing Salem!

Original: While ObsidianPhotography.com is on hiatus (we are working diligently to redesign the site!), there are many aspects of Obsidian Photography that are very alive and active. First of all, we volunteering in our community of Salem, OR. We love to volunteer our services to local businesses and projects that promote and support our community. Recently we have worked with Deepwood Estate, EatSalem.com, The Salem Event Calendar, DIY Studio, as well as put together a community photography project sharing nature photos taken at Minto-Brown Island Park.

Aside from our community work, we are always updating our social media accounts with new photography. We have a Twitter account and Facebook Page.

Silver Falls State Park, South Falls in Autumn, by Lisa Miller

© 2014, Lisa Miller, All Rights Reserved

*Some photos are film positives and negatives and may be subject to quality of original positive/negative.

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